UWin – безкоштовна психологічна допомога

Welcome to the Center of Emotional Health

We restore the emotional health of Ukrainians and help them be happy

We are a charitable organization dedicated to supporting people who need psychological help so that every Ukrainian is emotionally healthy

One Step Ahead

Why We Are The Best

We care about the emotional health of the Ukrainian nation, we strive to create a volunteer corps of psychologists to provide free qualified help. We teach Ukrainians to take care of their mental health and implement high quality standards of psychotherapeutic services. The UWin Center began operations in October 2022. During this time, we achieved certain results.

people received assistance
consultations were held
persons were trained
$ 0
donations have been collected

Our expertise

How We Can Help

Solving problems with psychological trauma today requires the development of a social system for providing psychological assistance, training specialists in methods of diagnosis and psychocorrection, working with society to change entrenched stereotypes. It is important for people to know more about psychological trauma, post-traumatic syndrome and ways of providing psychological help in order to cope with a stressful situation more quickly and effectively and to maintain psychological health.

What they say about us

Reviews of the winners

Three steps to victory

We will help you maintain your emotional health

We use an individual approach that best meets the requests and needs of each of our recipients.


We are studying your request

Our specialists will carefully study the issue with which you have asked for help.


We are forming a plan of assistance

Together with you, we will develop an individual work plan based on the information you entrust to us.


We achieve victory together

We conduct psycho-consultative work and improve your emotional state.

Find out who supports us

Our partners and donors

We Will Assist You In Any Issue

We belong to the medical community and clearly understand the most pressing problems of today. We try to respond quickly to those initiatives, the implementation of which really depends on people’s lives. We value our reputation because we understand that an impeccable reputation can only be acquired through hard work and charitable deeds.

We create useful and interesting content

Latest news

Anxiety During War

Did you know that women are almost twice as likely to experience anxiety?

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