UWin – безкоштовна психологічна допомога

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UWin is a family of like-minded people

every business is created by people

UWin is a family

The UWin team is a family of like-minded people for whom philanthropy is a way of life. This is a professional community with unique experience in the field of psychology, psychiatry, consulting, and media. We gathered together to apply our experience and create useful socially significant projects. Projects that will help every Ukrainian who finds himself in trouble to feel that he is not alone. To feel that there is a way out of every difficult situation. And life is beautiful…

charity as a way of life

Our team

Vladyslav Sova

President, co-founder of the foundation

Kateryna Pilkina

Chief Executive Officer of the center

Dariia Osychanska

Head of the Assistance center

Kateryna Bieliaieva

Head of the training center

Oleksandr Kyriienko

Head of fundraising

Olena Zamesova

Head of the media center

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Vladyslav Sova

President and co-founder of the foundation, psychiatrist, narcologist, psychotherapist
Chief physician of the rehabilitation clinic of Peter and Paul. Head of the Department of Borderline Conditions at the Clinical Hospital “Psychiatry”. The chief doctor of the narcological clinic “Zion” in Kyiv. President of the Association of Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Centers “Alternativa”. At a high professional level, it helps fight drug addiction, gambling, alcoholism, panic disorders, phobias of various origins, neuroses, generalized anxiety disorder, nicotine addiction, and abstinence treatment.
In 2001, Vladyslav graduated from the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, majoring in “Medical business”. In 2018, Vladyslav was awarded a higher qualification category in the specialty “Psychiatry”.

Kateryna Pilkina

Chief Executive Officer of the center
Kateryna has more than 7 years of experience in managing charity projects. Before joining the UWin team, Kateryna successfully implemented more than 30 projects to help children from the ATO zone, displaced persons and low-income families. Among Kateryna’s strong competencies: the organization and implementation of charitable projects both at the national and international level. One of the large-scale ones is the project of holding a women’s forum “Happy Woman Forum” in the UAE, which brought together women from Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Lithuania in order to share their experiences and build high-quality and necessary connections for the cause of charity. “For me, charity is an opportunity to reveal myself and at the same time help other people to hold on and live on,” Kateryna shares.
In 2008, Kateryna graduated with honors from the SC NAU in the field of marketing and obtained the qualification “Marketer”. In 2010, she graduated with honors from NTUU “KPI” in the field of management and obtained the qualification “Manager of innovative technologies”.

Dariia Osychanska

Practical psychologist, specialist in polarity therapy, psychologist-hypnologist, work with addicts
In 2017, Daryna graduated from the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanova and obtained the qualification of Specialist in the field of practical psychology”. Daryna has more than 9 years of experience, including private counseling and group trainings, works with problems: depressive states; loss of the meaning of life; anxiety states/disorders; uncertainty; procrastination; addictive behavior; psychotraumas; post-traumatic stress disorder; addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction; gambling addiction, love addiction); problems in relationships; intrapersonal conflicts.
According to Darina, psychology is important because: “We were not taught to be happy, we were not taught how our psyche works. That’s why there are psychologists and psychotherapists who help with this.” You need to learn to accept yourself – all the troubles are from this. Loving yourself is a process.”

Kateryna Bieliaieva

Practicing psychologist, yoga instructor, member of the Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapy and Counseling

Kateryna mainly uses the direction of SFBT (solution-focused brief therapy), as well as techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy, transactional analysis, polarity therapy, and others. Has certifications to work on requests such as: couples and marital therapy (family therapy), depression therapy, trauma therapy and work with PTSD, deep trauma healing techniques, crisis psychology (helping to overcome difficulties and disorders resulting from a crisis event or disasters) and others.

In 2014, Kateryna graduated from the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanova, majoring in “Practical Psychology”, has 9 years of experience as a psychologist.

Oleksandr Kyriienko

Head of the fundraising department
Oleksandr has 10 years of experience in sales and e-commerce development. Among the main achievements is the connection to cooperation of key Ukrainian e-commerce players, such as: Rozetka, Allo, Moyo, Comfy, as well as international ones: Amazon, eBay. Oleksandr also successfully implemented a series of international sports forums “Ukraine Relaunch: Investments in sports – investments in the future of the country” in 2017. At the end of 2022, Oleksandr joined the Uwin team, with a great desire to be useful for his country and help ordinary Ukrainians. “Charity is a language that everyone can understand and in which everyone can respond. Now, helping Ukrainians is a manifestation of solidarity that unites us in the most difficult times and makes our society stronger,” Oleksandr believes.
In 2010, Oleksandr successfully completed his studies at the Kharkiv Trade and Economic Institute of KNTEU, receiving a degree in “Enterprise Economics”.

Olena Zamesova

Head of the media center
Expert in the field of SMM since 2017. He has experience as a journalist in online publications. During this time, Olena managed to gain valuable experience by cooperating with large companies of a wide range: from mobile applications from California and vitamins to leaders in the field of traffic generation. In the psychological center, he is responsible for promotion in social networks, advertising campaigns, as well as relations with bloggers and mass media. If your heart beats in the rhythm of good and you are ready to support our mission – we are waiting for your letters to realize the best ideas together.
“Each of us has our own book of life, filled with chapters of choices and coincidences. My book has always guided me to help people, and this center has become my personal page where I can write my personal story.”