UWin – безкоштовна психологічна допомога

We help to overcome difficulties and enjoy life


we are the best at what we do

We are here to help

We have created an online service to provide free psychotherapeutic support for people facing difficult life situations and psychological problems. For those who want to cope with the horrors of war, overcome stressful situations, and find meaning for further life.


Mortality from depression is only slightly less than mortality from serious diseases (oncology, cardiovascular diseases).


An unpleasant emotional state, characterized by the expectation of an unfavorable development of events, the presence of bad premonitions, fear.

Difficulties in relationships

A crisis in a relationship can appear for various reasons. Overcoming it requires willpower and, in serious cases, help from a psychologist.


The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in war-torn countries ranges from 11 to 50% of the population.

Problems at work

Most people do not possess the art of persuasion — a key component of solving problems with colleagues.


There is a long list of serious problems that expectant mothers and fathers are not even aware of until they have their own child.


The number of phobias has tripled in recent, which is connected with the general progress of society, the influence of television productions on the psyche.


It's not just about beatings. This is a lack of respect for another person, a desire for power and control over him or her, control over his or her decisions and actions.

Suicidal thoughts

Every 40 seconds there is one case of suicide on the planet. However, suicide can be prevented if suicidal thoughts are detected in time.

Psychodiagnosis is important

Does the problem respond?

So it’s time to take a test and assess your emotional state. Specialists of the UWin center will analyze the test results, give you practical advice on solving the problem or offer to make an appointment for a consultation.

Action plan

Your way
to victory

We use an individual approach that best meets the requests and needs of each of our recipients. And our methods make the therapy process clear and allow the recipient to personally control it. Your path to victory will be the following and will consist of the following stages.



Our acquaintance with you. We determine whether your request is within our competence and whether we can help solve your problem.



Our specialists will carefully study the issue you have addressed and together with you will develop an individual work plan.



At this stage, consultative work with a psychologist takes place in a format convenient for you, and a positive dynamic appears.

We Will Assist You In Any Issue

We belong to the medical community and clearly understand the most pressing problems of today. We try to respond quickly to those initiatives, the implementation of which really depends on people’s lives. We value our reputation because we understand that an impeccable reputation can only be acquired through hard work and charitable deeds.

Rules for holding consultations

Questions and answers

Consultation with a center specialist is absolutely free. Each person who comes to the center for help can receive a therapy course of 8 individual consultations.

We help adults and children. If the person needing help is under 18, we will ask for permission from their parents or guardians before the consultation.

The consultation is held online in Google Meet and lasts 50 minutes. Before starting the consultation, please install the appropriate application on your mobile device.

All sessions conducted by our specialists are confidential. This is guaranteed by UWin’s privacy policy and code of ethics, which experts sign before starting our cooperation.

Yes, if your request is beyond the competence of the specialist, you will be redirected to another specialist of the center. If for some reason you want to change the specialist to another one, just write about it to office@uwin.win and our administrator will process your request.

If you are late for 20 minutes or more, the consultation is automatically canceled and considered lost, but you can get the next consultation. If there is a need to postpone or cancel the consultation, please notify the specialist at least 4 hours before the start of the consultation. If you miss a consultation without warning, the specialist has the right to refuse further consultation.

No, because UWin is not an emergency psychological care center. We work according to the schedule: Mon-Sat – from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sunday – a day off. After receiving your application, a specialist will contact you within 2 working days.

The effectiveness of online consultations is in no way inferior to personal meetings and depends only on the professionalism of the specialist. Advantages of consultations in online format – you can get qualified help without leaving your home.

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